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Crisis Response

The crisis response program consists of our 24 Hour Crisis Hotline and Hospital Response Advocates

Patient Sitting

Crisis Response Program

The Pee Dee Coalition Crisis Response Program (CRP) is a 24 hour, 7 days a week immediate response victim service. We provide direct support to victims of sexual assault, family violence, and child abuse. Our response advocates answer the crisis line for victims and community members in need of crisis support, information, and/or referrals on a 24-hour basis. 


Additionally, our response advocates are dispatched to local hospitals throughout our service area when a victim comes to the emergency room within 30 minutes of contact by emergency room staff. Our advocates are available 24/7/365 to support victims in need within the Pee Dee region.




Pee Dee Coalition provides services to domestic violence and sexual assault victims regardless of race, age, color, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or religion.


Pee Dee Coalition also provides community education and prevention programs and does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, age, color, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.


If you believe you have been discriminated against in any way please contact the Pee Dee Coalition Support Services Director at 843-673-2002.

Mobile Phone
Police car

Role Of The Crisis Response Victim Advocate

The response advocate responds to provide immediate crisis intervention, confidential emotional support, information, and advocacy to victims and their loved ones. The advocate is part of a coordinated response team and facilitates medical and legal services while providing trauma-informed, victim-centered care.


Our response advocates are trained to:

  • Explain legal and medical options

  • Orient victims to systems they may have contact with as a result of the crime, serving as a liaison between the victim and these systems

  • Ensure victims are treated with respect by other service providers

  • Address safety concerns, immediate basic needs, and help make a safety plan

  • Accompany and support victims during the medical forensic exam (with victim’s consent)

  • Discuss the effects of trauma and provide adaptive coping strategies for the days ahead 

  • Coordinate follow-up services

  • Educate family and friends on trauma and how to support the victim

  • Assist with sheltering needs if applicable

Goals of immediate crisis intervention

  • Validation and stabilization of the victim, including planning for safety and managing emotional reactions. 

  • Empowerment of the victim by facilitating an increased sense of control and a mobilization of resources

  • Reconnection of the victim by establishing a personal connection, facilitating contact with supports (including support services at SAFE), and decreasing feelings of isolation

  • Comfort measures without interfering with evidence collection


Victims have the legal right to have an advocate in the room during their exam. Advocates are volunteers and staff, many of whom have advanced education and experience in related fields.


Advocates complete 32 hours of training in assault response, including:

Crisis intervention skills and techniques

Safety planning and risk assessment

Confidentiality, health care privacy, informed consent and mandated reporting

Filling Out a Medical Form

Pee Dee Coalition is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to the reduction of sexual assault, family violence, and child abuse and to the needs of its victims.



It is the belief of the Pee Dee Coalition that the reduction of family violence, sexual assault, and child abuse is a community issue and concerns the total community—not only women—not only service providers—but all who value the basic human desire to be free from physical threat and harm.


Through the efforts of Pee Dee Coalition in its entirety, the region will be a safer, more compassionate community.

24-Hour Crisis Line:

Local: 843-669-4600
Toll-free: 1-800-273-1820

Pee Dee Parent Helpline
Text: 843-305-6755


Pee Dee Coalition

PO Box 1351
Florence, SC 29503


Business Line: 843-669-4694

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